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ULTRAMETER II 6PFCE and 4P Digital Handheld Meter
NEW! FCE FAC Function The Myron L Company FCE function reports FAC quickly and accurately by measuring ORP, the chemical characteristic of chlorine that directly reflects its effectivity, cross referenced with pH. Both DPD kits and colorimeters may tell the user the FAC value of the sample in the test tube, but since the chemistry of that sample is quite different from the source water being analyzed, the results are imprecisely related to actual disinfection power. The Myron L Company FCE function measures the real, unaltered chemistry of source water, including moment-to-moment changes in that chemistry. Accuracy You Can Trust
Fast and accurate in the laboratory, both Ultrameter II 6PFCE and 4P Handheld Meter models are rugged enough for daily in-line controller checks in hostile process applications. Innovative Engineering The Ultrameter II 6PFCE and 4P Handheld Meter is a prime example of how high-tech engineering can greatly simplify and streamline a task. Whether in the lab, industrial plant, or in a remote field location, merely:
Temperature compensation and range selection are both rapid and automatic. The Ultrameter II s a true one-hand operation instrument. Easy to Calibrate All calibrations are quickly accomplished by pressing the up or down keys to agree with our NIST traceable Standard Solution. When calibration is necessary, display prompts simplify pH calibration and make sure the correct buffer is being used. Plus, all parameters (excluding factory-set temperature) have an internal electronic setting that can be used for field calibration and as a check on pH/ORP sensor life. Advanced Features
High Performance at a Low Cost Beyond their affordable purchase price, Ultra-Fast, Ultra-Easy, Ultra- Powerful Ultrameter II 6PFCE and 4P Handheld Meter save both time and money. Measure for measure, Ultrameter II 6PFCE and 4P Handheld Meter give you a better return on your investment than any other handheld instrument. To see for yourself, contact your distributor or the Myron L Company today.