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Reverse Osmosis: RO Meters from Myron L Company
With a single before and after test, this handy device effectively demonstrates how your RO or distillation system eliminates harmful dissolved solids. It will also service test systems, including membrane evaluation programs. Features
Automatic Temperature Compensation: Why It Is Important The graph below illustrates a TDS reading of a 500 ppm water sample tested with a non-temperature compensated conductivity meter. The same water sample appears to have a higher level of TDS when heated (and lower TDS when chilled). Actually, only conductivity readings change with temperature. TDS does not change. Many instruments ignore the importance of temperature. Others require a separate thermometer for testing sample temperature, then manual adjustment of the meter. All Myron L instruments, however, feature fast and precise Automatic Temperature Compensation. The result: a more accurate, useful instrument. How Conductivity Measures ppm/TDS
If You Also Test pH Myron L offers instruments that check both TDS and pH, and are widely used throughout the RO industry.
Also see our RO-CHECK POU TDS Monitor