Metex Index
Myron L Products
Digital Handheld Instruments
Analog Handheld Instruments
Specialty Analog Handheld Meters
Pool & Spa Testing Meter PoolMeter
Benefits & Features:
- Fill cell cup. - Select TDS or NaCl. - Press Black Button. - Take reading. Scaled In Both Ranges
The “dual” range PoolMeter™ is the perfect instrument for the measurement and control of pools and spas. The “dual” range PoolMeter is a simple compact instrument which operates on the principal of electrical conductivity. The “dual” range PoolMeter converts electrical conductivity directly into parts per million (ppm) of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) OR ppm of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) as selected. Perfect for high Sodium Chloride systems. The PoolMeter™ is:
Similar Myron L models have been used in the pool and spa industry for decades.