dynaBlend Liquid Systems
L Series Liquid Polymer Systems
dynaBlend for Hazardous Areas
dynaBlend Dry Systems
dynaBLEND Liquid Polymer Feed and Activation Systems
Liquid Systems
System Detail
| Mixing Chamber | dynaBlend Primer | dynaBlend for Hazardous Areas
dynaBlend Technology | Series L4-D / L6-D | Series L4-P / L6-P |Series L8-P / L12-P | Series L4S
dynaBLEND Liquid Polymer Systems
Knowing the facts behind polymer blending is the first step in understanding the numerous benefits of the dynaBLEND liquid polymer systems. Over the years, the spectrum of polymers available has widened and today there are more difficult-to-blend polymers than ever before. This is especially important because some polymer blending systems work well on simple-to-blend polymers, but fail at effectively activating the difficult polymers. Look inside the dynaBLEND liquid polmer system and see how our patented HydroACTION works. Product Line
Not sure what size dynaBLEND system would best fit your application? Download our sizing guide (PDF file: 11KB) to assist you, call our technical department (416) 240-1920 |