Regal, Sulphonators

Regal Sulphonators

Regal, SulphonatorsREGAL Sulphonators have all the features and benefits of the acclaimed REGAL Gas Chlorinator plus: built with rugged materials designed to resist the effects of sulfur dioxide and provide years of trouble-free service in applications that demand their use.

SULPHONATORS: With capacities from 4 to 500 PPD. Principle use is to dechlorinate water, wastewater and industrial process water with sulfur dioxide, in addition to other applications.

• Model 710 Direct Cylinder Mounted Gas Sulphonator to 100 PFD
• Model 716 Vacuum Operated, Automatic Switchover Gas Sulphonator
--- to 100 PFD Direct Cylinder Mounted

• Model 720 Direct Ton Container Mounted/Wall Mounted Gas Sulphonator to 250 PFD
• Model 726 Vacuum Operated, Automatic Switchover Gas Sulphonator,
--- Ton Container/Wall Mounted 250 PFD

• Model 720 Direct Ton Container Mounted/Wall Mounted Gas Sulphonator to 500 PFD
• Model 726 Vacuum Operated, Automatic Switchover Gas Sulphonator,
--- Ton Container/Wall Mounted 500 PFD