Direct-mount . . . the all vacuum REGAL gas chlorinator is the safest, most reliable way to be sure your water is bacteria free.
Simple . . . the REGAL's simple design (only 68 parts!) means faster servicing, less downtime, longer life, lower operating costs.
Capacities Available: 1.5, 4, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 PPD.
Model 210 Direct Cylinder Mounted Gas Chlorinator to 100 PFD
Model 216 Vacuum Operated, Automatic Switchover Gas Chlorinator
--- to 100 PFD Direct Cylinder Mounted
Model 220 Direct Ton Container Mounted/Wall Mounted Gas Chlorinator 250 PFD
Model 226 Vacuum Operated, Automatic Switchover Gas Chlorinator, Ton Container
--- Mounted/Wall Mounted 250 PFD Direct Cylinder Mounted
Model 250 Direct Ton Container Mounted/Wall Mounted Gas Chlorinator 500 PFD
Model 256 Vacuum Operated, Automatic Switchover Gas Chlorinator, Ton Container
--- Mounted/Wall Mounted 500 PFD
Model 2101 High Capacity Gas Chlorinator 1000/2000 PFD
Model 2107 High Capacity Automatic Switchover Gas Chlorinator 1000/2000 PFD