Regal, Chlorine, Sulfur Dioxide, Gas, Detectors

Regal Chlorine or Sulfur Dioxide Gas Detectors

Regal, Chlorine, Sulfur Dioxide, Gas, DetectorsThe new REGAL Chlorine or Sulfur Dioxide Gas Detectors are designed for use wherever chlorine or sulfur dioxide is stored, distributed, or where
potential leakage would pose a risk for personnel and property.

- Properly installed, calibrated, and maintained, the REGAL Gas Leak
Detector senses the presence of free chlorine or sulfur dioxide in the
environment - at levels below those mandated by OSHA - throughout the
working life of the sensor. - 3-digit display and 12 LED bar graph shows
the chlorine or sulfur dioxide gas concentration. - Audible and relay 'warning' alarm at I PPM for chlorine and at 2 PPM for sulfur dioxide and 'danger 'alarm at 3 PPM for chlorine and at 5 PPM for sulfur dioxide. - Displays and transmits sensor or signal failures via an LED and a designated relay. - Maintenance free sensor. - Capable of transmitting digital information for computerized data logging. - Bar graph LED representing the highest (10 PPM maximum for CL2 and 20 PPM maximum for S02) detected level stays lit until manually reset even as the gas concentration decreases. - No need to flush, purge or recalibrate the sensor after an exposure to chlorine or sulfur dioxide gas. - Single, isolated and unpowered 4 - 20 ma analog circuit board is standard on single-sensor units.

REGAL Series 3000 Gas Detector