Burks Pumps versatile, low cost pumps are engineered for use on most phases of liquid handling. These end-suction pumps are heavy duty, general purpose centrifugal pumps with heavy wall castings suitable for many commercial and industrial applications such as condenser, chilled, and hot water systems in HVAC and process secondary pumping. High efficiencies, robust case construction of cast iron, and impeller construction of bronze makes these pumps an ideal selection for applications that require easy-to-maintain, reliable, long lasting pumps.
Heads To: 680 feet
Flows To: 4,000 g.p.m.
A, B, G and K Series (Weinman)
3000 and 4000 Series (Deming)
HCU Series (Barnes)
GNA, GNB, GNC, G, GA, DF (Burks)
Flows To:
4,000 g.p.m.
Heads To:
680 feet
1 - 2 inches
0.33 - 60
1750 or 3450
- General Water Service
- Domestic Water Booster System
- Chilled & Hot Water Systems
- Cooling Tower
- Sprinkler & Irrigation Systems
- Direct drive, motor operated
- Bronze impeller
- Extra deep stuffing box with seal cage
- Renewable bronze shaft sleeve
- Renewable bronze suction cover ring
- Cast iron case
- Burks AC & AE pumps can be furnished with square suction flange for tank mounting
- Standard bronze fitted
- Ductile iron casing
- Mechanical seals for various applications and temperatures
- Packed stuffing box
- External flushing
- Shaft sleeves-bronze or stainless steel
