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Boiler Controllers and Condensate Monitors
From Walchem Corporation
WBL/WDB400 Boiler Controllers and Condensate Monitors
The WBL/WDB400 Boiler Controllers and WCM/WDC400 Condensate Monitors represent the latest in technological and innovative advancements from Walchem. All of the standard features you'd expect in conventional boiler controllers/condensate monitors are included, plus optional simple-to-use information management tools that enable water treatment professionals to deliver more effective service to their customers.. The WBL/WDB/WCM/WDC400 Controllers have the ability to store conductivity and temperature values, water usage, relay status, and user settings. A USB memory stick is all that's needed to extract the information. Download logs from the USB stick to a PC at your convenience, or copy your preferred treatment program settings to another controller to speed start-up. It couldn't be easier! Key Benefits:
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