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Waterproof Double Junction pHTestr 10
from Oakton Instruments

Waterproof Double Junction pHTestr 10

Large display with makes taking readings easy

  • Waterproof,Double,Junction,pHTestr,10,Oakton,InstrumentsReplaceable double junction electrode... use Testr body many times over, which saves you money

  • Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC)

  • Push-button three-point calibration

  • Microprocessor-based

  • Auto buffer recognition

  • Hold function; auto-off; error messages

  • Certifiable to IP67 standards

Never again watch your tester sink to the bottom of a tank or pond - the OAKTON Double Junction pHTestr 10 floats!

Unique double junction electrode design and increased reference gel volume give you significantly longer electrode life, especially in harsh applications.

Automatic Temperature Compensation and three point push-button calibration provide high accuracy even under varying temperature conditions.

pHTestr 10 Manual

Learn more about the Oakton pHTestrs

See a demonstration of how to calibrate your Oakton pHTestr

See how easy is it to replace the sensor on your Oakton pHTestr

Troubleshooting your Oakton pHTestr

Range -1.0 to 15.0 pH
Resolution 0.1 pH
Accuracy +/-0.1 pH
Calibration Up to three points US or NIST buffers (4.0, 6.86/7.0, 9.18/10.0)
Electrode Replaceable double junction
Waterproof/Dustproof (IP67) Yes
Operating Temperature 0 to 50ºC (32 to 122ºF)
Power Four 1.5 V batteries
Battery life Over 500 hours
Dimensions 6.5" x 1.5" dia (16.5 cm x 3.8 cm dia)
Shipping weight 4.5 oz (125 g)




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