Metex Index
Myron L Products
In-Line Monitors/Controllers
750 II Conductivity/TDS Monitor/Controllers
750 II Resistivty Monitor/Controllers
720 II pH/ORP Monitor/Controllers
CTCII Controller
Specialty Monitor/Controllers
Fully Automatic DI/RO Bank Switching System
What it Does: The AQUASWITCH I is a special purpose dedicated computer which automatically changes out an exhausted Dl or RO bank for a fresh stand-by bank. LEDs continually give the condition of both banks. An alarm output is activated as each bank is depleted.
When the monitor/controller senses poor quality water because the DI or RO system has been shut down temporarily, the AQUASWITCH I purges the on-stream bank until water quality recovers. If the DI or RO bed bank is exhausted, however, water quality will not improve sufficiently after purging. The AQUASWITCH I will then automatically take the exhausted bed or tank out of service and switch over to the stand-by bank. The fresh bank is purged until the desired quality level is reached: it then goes into service. The purge cycle is controlled by a timer that is easily adjustable for periods from 1-10 minute duration. This feature allows the system to be tailored to the requirements of each application, and ensures banks are not switched or shut down prematurely. A manual change over button can be depressed to switch banks at any time. The AQUASWITCH I features advanced circuitry, including three solid state (not mechanical) relays to reliably operate the solenoid valves. Three or four solenoid valves suitable for ultrapure water (not supplied) are needed to make a complete AQUASWITCH I system.
The AQUASWITCH I does not monitor water quality itself, but may be used with any reliable Resistivity or Conductivity Monitor/controller such as the Myron L 750 Series II.