Mighty Module
Mighty Module MM4410 DC Input Multiplier Transmitter
MM4410 DC Input Multiplier Transmitter Output = A x B
The MM4410 provides a DC output voltage or current proportional to the product of two DC inputs. Typical input ranges are 4/20 mA, 0/50 mA, 0-1 V, 0-5 V, and 0-10 VDC. Other ranges are available down to minimum spans of 1 V or 1 mA DC. Standard calibration provides the output at full scale (100%) when both inputs are at full scale (100%). Other calibrations are available. The module includes filtering and conditioning to reduce susceptibility to transients and noisy operations. Features
Typical Applications Calculating power (current x voltage), mass flow (flow rate x density), etc. Mounting The MM4410 is designed to plug into a standard 8-pin relay socket. Part number MP008 is a molded plastic socket suitable for mounting on a flat surface or in a 2 3/4 inch wide PVC snap track (TRK48). Use CLP-1 hold-down clip, if needed. A Killark HK Series explosion-proof housing with dome and 8-pin socket is available (HKB-HK2D-8). A DIN rail mounted socket (DMP008) is available for 35mm symmetrical DIN rail. Specifications