Mighty Module
Mighty Module MM4051 Strain Gauge Input Transmitter
MM4051 Strain Gauge (Bridge) Input Transmitter
The MM4051 provides an output voltage or current proportional to the output of a strain gauge bridge. It is useful in monitoring load cells, pressure transducers, and other strain gauge sensors. The module includes filtering and conditioning to reduce susceptibility to transients and noisy operations. The MM4051 provides a well regulated excitation voltage for the strain gauge and a high quality differential preamplifier to condition the low level output from the bridge. Features
Weight and pressure control, monitoring and data acquisition. Mounting The module is designed to plug into a standard 11-pin relay socket. Part number MP011 is a molded plastic socket suitable for mounting on a flat surface or in a 2 3/4 inch wide PVC snap track (TRK48). Use CLP-1 hold-down clip if needed. A Killark HK Series explosion-proof housing with dome and 11-pin socket is available (HKB-HK2D-11). A DIN rail mounted socket (DMP011) is available for 35mm symmetrical DIN rail. Specifications