Mighty Module
Mighty Module MM3200 Valve or Actuator Controller
MM3200 Valve or Actuator Controller Adjustable Deadband Potentiometer Feedback
The MM3200 controller compares a DC input signal to a DC signal from the slide position of a potentiometer in a valve or linear actuator. The module has two spst relays to provide bi-directional (open-close) ON/OFF switches. When the input signals are unequal, the MM3200 provides a contact closure to turn on a motor which drives the valve open or closed. When the signals become equal, the contact opens and the motor stops. The deadband control adjusts the sensitivity of the module and determines the amount of error required before the relay closes. Adjustment of 0.25% to 50% of span is available. Two relays are used for the open and close switches. Each relay has dpdt contacts. One set is used for motor control. The other set is used to control the supply voltage to the other relay coil. This relay safety interlock feature makes it impossible to have both relays closed (both motors on) at the same time. The module can also be used with a manual potentiometer and the contact closures to drive a process until the DC input signal matches the potentiometer setting. The module includes filtering and conditioning to reduce susceptibility to transients and noisy operations. They also utilize a stable -1.23 V power supply to excite the potentiometer. Features
Typical Applications Valve or actuator position control, pH acid/base pump control, etc. Mounting The module is designed to plug into a standard 11-pin relay socket. Part number MP011 is a molded plastic socket suitable for mounting on a flat surface or in a 2 3/4 inch wide PVC snap track (TRK48). Use CLP-1 hold-down clip if needed. A Killark HK Series explosion-proof housing with dome and 11-pin socket is available (HKB-HK2D-11). An 11-pin DIN rail mounted socket (P/N DMP011) is available for 35mm symmetrical rail. Specifications