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V-10-H Heavy Duty Piston Metering Pump From Helwig Pumps

V-10-H Hydraulic Diaphragm Metering Pumps

V-10-H,Heavy Duty,Piston,Metering Pump,Helwig,PumpsThe V-10-H is a heavy duty hydraulic diaphragm metering pumps designed for trouble free operation with a minimum of maintenance. The pump end of the unit utilizes a precision inline machined casting insuring exact alignment of the drive mechanism and the piston head assembly, minimizing wear. The pump is driven by a continuous heavy duty oil filled speed reducer which is available in several ratios for the required stroking rate. The heavy duty speed reducer will accept any 56C frame motor making it easy to match the V-10-H pump to special environments or electrical characteristics. The wet end of the pump is precision machined and utilizes a ground stainless steel piston to displace oil which in turn flexes a diaphragm. The ground and polished piston and ceramic ball check valves are places on the inlet and outlet of the pump wet end. Various piston sizes are available (from 5/8" to 2") to give a wide range of volume outputs. The output of the pumps is varied from zero to maximum by manually adjusting the piston stroke length. The pump head comes standard in polyethylene but is available in various grades of stainless steel. The various hydraulic head sizes are interchangeable which makes application changes in the field simple. All V-10-H pumps are supplied with a pressure relief valve for each head. The standard simplex pump can readily be converted into a duplex pump in the field. Multiple head pumps can be fitted with identical heads or different sized heads for custom applications.

Commonly used to inject acids or similar aggressive chemicals as used for cooling towers. The wet end of the pump is separated from the drive end by a hydraulic oil actuated diaphragm.

V-10-H,56C Frame Flange Drive,Series,Hydraulic,Diaphragm,Metering Pumps,Simplex Pump Head,A&F Machine,Helwig,Pumps

AFM V-10-H Simplex Diaphragm Metering Pumps

V-10-H Series Pumps with a single drive to one pump head. Stroke lengths and flow rates are calculated per head. Flow rates available to 1440 GPD.

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V-10-H,56C Frame Flange Drive,Series,Hydraulic,Diaphragm,Metering,Pumps,Duplex Pump Head,A&amp;F Machine,Helwig,Pumps

AFM V-10-H Duplex Diaphragm Metering Pumps

V-10-H Series Pumps with a single drive to two pump heads. Stroke lengths and flow rates are calculated per head. Flow rates available to 2880 GPD (1440 GPD per head).

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V-10-H,56C Frame Flange Drive,Series,Hydraulic,Diaphragm,Metering,Pump,Triplex,Pump,Head,A&amp;F Machine,Helwig,Pumps

AFM V-10-H Triplex Diaphragm Metering Pumps

V-10-H Series Pumps with a single drive to three pump heads. Stroke lengths and flow rates are calculated per head. Flow rates available to 1008 GPD (336 GPD per head).

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V-10-H,56C Frame Flange Drive,Series,Hydraulic Diaphragm Metering Pumps,Quad Pump Head,A&amp;F Machine,Helwig,Pumps

AFM V-10-H Quad Diaphragm Metering Pumps

V-10-H Series Pumps with a single drive to four pump heads. Stroke lengths and flow rates are calculated per head. Flow rates available to 1344 GPD (336 GPD per head).

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