Hayward Flow Control
Vacuum Breaker from Hayward
Reliable Venting of Tanks and Piping Systems: Hayward's all plastic, corrosion resistant Vacuum Breaker allows quick and trouble-free draining of tanks and piping systems. The vacuum breaker is normally closed at positive internal pressures. As the tank or piping system is being drained the Vacuum Breaker automatically open and allows air to enter the tank or system. Advanced Design for Fast Draining: These vacuum breakers allow a tank or piping system to be drained at the rate of up to 300 gpm. For even faster draining requirements, just install additional vacuum breakers. For instance, three installed on a tank would allow a drainage rate of 900 gpm with properly sized drains. Easy Installation: Hayward Vacuum Breakers have a 3/4" NPT end connection for easy installation into a piping system. Installation onto a tank is also quick and easy. For this use, the vacuum breaker was designed to fit perfectly into the socket connection of a 1 1/2" Hayward Bulkhead Fitting. Just solvent weld the vacuum breaker into the fitting and then install the fitting onto the tank. That's all there is to it. Never a Problem with Corrosion: Because of its all plastic construction a Hayward Vacuum Breaker will never rust or corrode and it can survive corrosive environments and harsh weather conditions without the need for painting or expensive epoxy coating.