Hayward Flow Control
True Union Plastic Ball Check Valves
Automatic Operation: The valves operate without the need for any adjustments or settings. Line pressure moves the solid plastic ball off the elastomer seat, opening the valve. When the inlet flow stops, back pressure moves the ball back onto the seat, stopping the flow. The valves feature a unique square cut elastomer seat to seal at low backpressures. True Union Design: Valve sizes 1/2" to 6" feature a true union design. This allows for easy removal from a piping system without breaking down piping connections. Just unscrew the two assembly nuts and lift the valve body out of the line. A Trim Check design is used for the 1/4" and 3/8" sizes. While not true union, these size valves are fully repairable, unlike some other smaller check valves. No Corrosion Failures: Because of their all plastic construction, these valves will never jam or stick as a result of rust or corrosion. Also they will not contaminate sensitive fluids that come into contact with them.