Aquametrix - Rugged and Reliable Instrumentation for Over 50 Years.
AquaMetrix products have been manufactured for more than five decades. The company has grown into a worldwide maker of water quality instrumentation that is known for working in environments where nothing else works. Aquametrix products have been made in the United States since 2010.
The Aquametrix differential pH and ORP probes are found in the most hostile processes in industry. Where other probes typically last months the P60 line of sensors lasts years. Three series of conductivity sensors cover any application from ultra-pure to brine solutions. AquaMetrix designs and builds its own analyzer. The 2300 is truly unique in the entire process control industry. With 100% web connectivity, inputs for 4 analog sensors and 3 flow sensors, datalogging, 4 relays, and email alerts there is nothing that comes close at its price.
The Shark is a multi-parameterpH, ORP, conductivity or flowcontroller that has proven itself in 10 years of hostile environments. The Shark TX is the transmitter version and is as compact as a deck of cards. The 2300 is our newest controller and is the first 100% network enabled controller that can handle 7 sensors, 4 relays, email/text notifications, and data logging in a small package that costs a fraction of competing controllers.
Rounding out our product line are the AM-TBR turbidimeter, the 2200D Clark cell dissolved oxygen sensor, optically based dissolved oxygen (D.O.) sensor, the AM-UST-mini miniature ultrasound level sensor and AM-FCL free chlorine sensor.
Under Water Analytics ownership, a steady stream of improvements have made existing products even better, while a suite of new products have been rolling out to supply more options to the water treatment industry. No other company offers a two year in-field warranty.
Aquametrix Products
Controllers and Transmitters
The Shark controller is one of the few true multi-parameter analyzers that can switch amongst four measuring parameters simply with a menu change. The Shark features a hidden display for setting the parameter and that flips out for easy access. The controller provides two isolated, independent and scalable 4-20 mA outputs and two independent control relays. A third relay is preset to act as an alarm relay, but can be used as a process control relay. Both control relays can be set for either a rising or falling process, with easily programmed on/off set-points.
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pH / ORP Differential Probes
There are hundreds of pH and ORP (redox) probes in the marketplace. Only a few use differential technology. And only one is the legendary Aquametrix probe. For three decades the Aquametrix differential probes have set the standard for durability, longevity and precision. These sensors may cost more up front but, in very aggressive processes, they will end up saving money over the years.
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Conductivity Sensors
A conductivity system is only as good as the sensor or cell which provides the signal to the analyzer or controller. Water Analytics Inc., with many years of experience in the measurement of conductivity, manufactures a wide variety of conductivity cells to satisfy any industrial, power plant or laboratory application. In addition to the standard line, all types are available for high temperature applications.
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Dissolved Oxygen
AquaMetrix has been making dissolved oxygen sensors for the five decades it has been in business. The 2200D analyzer and P91 sensor are Clark (membrane) based electrochemical systems and are proven in hundreds of wastewater treatment plants around the world. It is still the sensor technology of choice in Asia and much of Europe. The newer optically based probe is a new addition to the AquaMetrix product line. it's made for us by the world leader in biopharmaceutical sensors and provides both 4-20 mA analog and Modbus digital outputs.
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Level Analyzers
Water Analytics carries a broad base of level analyzes from simple hydrostatic level transducers to full feature ultrasonic analyzers. Both the AM-HLT and LL series are inexpensive and rugged contacting transducers. The SLT is a full featured ultrasonic analyzer and the AM-UST is an ultrasonic transducer with a built-in analog or digital transmitter.
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Aquametrix carries the Seametrics line of paddle wheel and magnetic induction flow meters. All of them connect directly to the Shark controller, Shark TX transmitter and 2300 controller.
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AM-TBR Turbidimeters
The AM-TBR builds on decades-long experience of measuring turbidity in water and wastewater installations around the world. The instruments are configured with a white light source to meet EPA Method 180.1 or with an infrared source to comply with ISO 7027. Unlike other incandescent light sources, the Krypton-filled bulb provides up to 7 years of life. The ISO 7027 compliant meter has three IR LED light sources which also provide 7 years of trouble-free service.
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The Aquametrix AM-FCL is a direct output 4-20 mA sensor that connects to the AquaMetrix 2300 controller or to a PLC . For maximum accuracy add a variable area flow meter (AM-FCL-FM) and constant pressure flow cell (AM-FCL-FC). Automatic pH compensation can be accomplished by adding a pH probe to the PLC and adding software to perform the compensation.
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Aquametrix 4-20 mA Collection
This section is not a new category of products. Rather it is a grouping of sensors from our product line that all have a common featuredirect 4-20 mA output. These sensors have transmitters built into them that are powered by, and output to, a PLC. Since they do not require an external transmitter they are very cost effective. In two cases (the dissolved oxygen sensor and ultrasonic level transducer) they can also output a digital Modbus signal. All of them can be powered by an inexpensive 24 VDC power source and read by a panel meter.
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Aquametrix Training Videos
Aquametrix Training Videos.
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